What is asset criticality?
Identifying and ranking your most critical assets is crucial to asset management—and your risk. The true value of a piece of equipment is not based just on the cost to repair or replace it, but on its overall impact on your organization.
Asset criticality helps you prioritize your assets and focus your maintenance efforts. It is a fundamental part of effective asset management and an overall reliability strategy. With a complete and accurate asset criticality picture, your team can focus their efforts where they are most needed.
Our asset criticality workshop leverages data, best practices, and consultant knowledge and expertise to help you perform an effective asset criticality analysis. We will show you how to identify your highest-value assets based on their likelihood of failure, overall consequences, and business risk (criticalness). Knowing which failure modes will have the biggest impact on your operations means your maintenance team can develop strategies to minimize or even eliminate those failure modes.
What is the asset criticality workshop?
We offer an asset criticality workshop lasting two days, with remote or on-site options, depending on your specific needs. It is a comprehensive course on the topic of criticality, including how to deploy and use an asset criticality tool.
With the help of Fluke Reliability consultants, a cross-functional team of your organization’s reliability leaders, key maintenance personnel, and other subject matter experts and stakeholders will learn why and how to conduct an asset criticality analysis. You will also create a living, flexible quantitative measuring process for acquiring data used to rank critical equipment.

Our asset criticality workshop will provide you with a few
key outcomes:

A better understanding of Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) as a tool for decisions about prioritizing work, developing reliability strategies, conducting root cause analysis (RCA), Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and more

Determining the value and impact each asset has on your organization’s production/operations process and the level of attention each asset requires within your reliability strategy

Knowing how asset criticality works with FMEA techniques to determine different failure modes and their effects on assets as well as the importance of asset criticality to CBM strategies

What are the benefits of the asset criticality workshop?
This workshop will help you understand criticalness and how to deploy and use an asset criticality tool. An asset criticality analysis removes flawed assumptions, emotions, and guesswork when determining an asset’s real value and impact on your organization’s triple bottom line (that is, risk, value, and safety).
Instead, we use quantitative asset data to determine equipment value. Your asset-ranking factors, and the insights from your criticality analysis, will be specific to your organization.
Organizations that leverage an asset criticality analysis can improve worker safety, increase asset life, reduce wasted resources, and understand the true impact of downtime.

On-site and remote asset criticality workshop services
On-site and remote workshop options are available in the United States and Europe, offering flexibility to teams of all sizes and organizations with multiple locations. This workshop is designed to be affordable by giving you everything you need—and nothing you don’t.
Before your workshop begins, you will be asked to complete some pre-work materials. This helps our team customize your workshop activities and instruction.
After your workshop, you will receive a criteria worksheet, a scorecard, and other related materials. With your completed asset criticality analysis, you can show your organization’s leadership how you can benefit the bottom line through improved asset maintenance management.

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